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We've been talking about the 3Rs since Russell and Burch in 1959, and periodically we add additional Rs. But do we all really mean the same thing? We use a wide variety of ways and tools for our communication. We communicate in different languages, with different intentions even within and outside different groups. Different previous knowledge, interests and ideas influence what we want to send out on the one hand and what we hear on the other. Here we would like to support you as RepRefRed Society. Be it as a knowledge transfer platform, as a mediated instance within the 3R community or in the preparation of 3R topics to support you in your communication in the best possible way.


Communication model according to David Berlo
uploads/pics/Culture of Care.jpg

The term "culture of care" not only encompasses maximum animal welfare in the laboratory animal sector, but also includes various forms of communication between all project participants. Respectful treatment of humans and animals has a significant impact on the output of research.

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Where can we as RepRefRed Society actively support you in your communication?


Feel free to send your question to our speaker

Victoria Schiffer


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funded by the: BM
Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Alternativen
Biomodellen (The 3R Society)
Postfach 0014
A-8036 Graz