In Silico Get Together 15.11.2019 Graz
Gerhard Thallinger:
Integrative Analysis of OMICS Data
Christian Baumgartner:
Computational Modeling in Cardiac, Neural and Cancer Electrophysiology
Helena Schmidt:
Dissecting complex diseases by genetic epidemiology: the role of in silicons
Gernot Plank:
In silico models of human cardiac electrophysiology - Towards in silico-based
medical device development and clinical decision support systems
Christoph Augustin:
In silico models of cardiovascular mechanics as a tool for medical device
Justyna Niestrawska:
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Healthy and Diseased Abdominal
Aortas to Understand the Pathogenesis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Christian Gruber:
Next generation enzyme discovery: AI based identification and optimization of
enzyme candidates using 3D point-cloud Catalophores
Fleur Jeanquartier:
Open data for bioinformatics research
Leila Taher:
Functional and Evolutionary Insights into Vertebrate Transcriptional Regulation
Biomodellen (The 3R Society)
Postfach 0014
A-8036 Graz